New mulberry plant in town

The Tic-tac sized mulberries on my original plant.

The Tic-tac sized mulberries on my original plant.

My yearning is over and I’ve finally got a mulberry plant from Novice Gardener! The reason I’ve been salivating over her plants is because her cultivar seems to grow much bigger fruits than the plants I have. I mean, hello, the fruits I’ve been getting are the size of Tic-tacs! And although I’ve been told that they will get bigger as the plant matures, I just don’t believe that.

Why? Because there’s a mulberry TREE in the neighbourhood and the fruits are still tiny.

So I am now eagerly anticipating the new fruits, which ought to be at least 2cm, from my estimation of what I’ve seen at Novice Gardener’s place.

The first mulberry starting to grow on Novice Gardener's plant. How big will it grow?

The first mulberry starting to grow on Novice Gardener’s plant. How big will it grow?

My first plant seems to have felt threatened enough to suddenly produce a few clusters of fruits, and we’ve enjoyed tasting the first few. However, it will have to produce four times as fast as Novice Gardener’s plant if it wants to compare to it…

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