The winged beans perform again

Scattered across the trellis were loads of these - flowers and growing beans!

If you’ve been a regular visitor here, you’ll know about my gripe with my winged bean vines. I grew 6 of them early last year and waited months and months before they started flowering, then a few more months before the first beans appeared – in sporadic ones and twos…

There were occasional good harvests that I crowed about – but they were few and far between.

And there were casualties along the way – there are only 2 plants left.

I don’t know if it’s the fact that there are fewer plants crowding the ground or whether it’s the weather at this time of year, but the vines suddenly burst into bloom just after the New Year, and we’ve just had the best harvest to date. Clusters of pretty bonnet-like lilac flowers were all over the trellis, soon followed by clusters of frilly green winged beans. The sight made me want to burst with joy!

Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly in a garden, and some sneaky black aphids managed to claim a few beans while I was waiting for the beans to grow bigger. Well, I’ve learnt to roll with the blows and am not getting too upset. After all, we got more than they did!

Best. Harvest. Yet. And with more beans still growing!

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The winged beans perform again — 3 Comments

  1. That looks like a whole meal you got out of them!
    Good start to the new year for you too!

  2. Dear Curious Gardener, My name is John and I am 7. I comment a lot on Novice Gardener but have just found your blog. Mummy says I can post a comment. Do you know where I can get winged bean seeds from? I would like to try to grow them. The flowers are so pretty! I harvested my kang kong yesterday. I am going to let some grow flowers! (like the ones on your blog). I will be starting my own blog in March. I think I will call it Growing Like a Weed.

    • Welcome to The Curious Gardener, John! I’ve “seen” you on Novice Gardener’s blog and have been impressed by the different plants you have growing. I have been looking for beans on my winged bean plants because another reader also asked for seeds, but the plant seems to be taking a break right now. If I find any, I’ll send you an email about it. I hope your kangkong plants grow flowers for you soon, because they’re really pretty! Let me know when you start your blog (love the name!) so we can compare notes. Happy gardening! :)