Oy, I can’t understand why the weather is the way it is now. The fine rains we had in early January have given way to heavier downpours and strong winds, about 4 or 5 days out of the week, followed by a day or three of sunshine. I don’t mind the cool weather, but the downpours have been horrendous for some of my plants!
My strongest (so far) dwarf sunflower seedling had leaves battered off – and this in a partially shaded location!
The cosmos and roselle seedlings were pummeled into the potting media, and in a couple of cases, had been beheaded. I have to start over…
On the other hand, the sweet basil seeds I sowed have been sprouting happily.
Fungal and humidity related issues are also rearing their ugly heads. Temperatures have been cool, by our standards, what with the rain and strong breezes – but then we also have those sunny days or hours that make the humidity worse… I gave up my okra plants because of powdery mildew, and now the aphids and mealy bugs are making a nuisance of themselves everywhere. It looks like I’ll be spending the long Chinese New Year weekend doing massive pruning and clearing. I can’t help it – when I see something affecting the plants, I have to act immediately, or else it will worsen and spread. So, I’ve been having a pretty good workout so far…
And while I’m clearing, I also have to watch out for all the snails that come out after the rain…
I hope the rainy season blows over soon. Why can’t we go back to our 1-hour rain showers every afternoon? Just give me a few weeks and I’ll be whining about how dry and hot it is again…
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